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September 2014: C.A.T.I.F. hosts its 4th annual Block Party for the benefit of Palatine Opportunity Center’s ROLE program and A.R.T.S. Refreshing the Soul and raises over $6,000 toward our mission!
July 2014: Joel Davis, from CAU Insurance, on behalf of the QBE Foundation awards $2,000 in grant monies to C.A.T.I.F. Joel visited C.A.T.I.F. on July 15, 2014 to make the formal presentation.
July 2014: C.A.T.I.F. is awarded a $1,000-third place prize in the Wella Hairdressers at Heart Charity Challenge. This is C.A.T.I.F.’s second time winning in as many years. Check out the article in the Palatine Patch.
June 2014: C.A.T.I.F. hosts a successful baby shower with all the donations going to help support women veterans! The Jesse Brown VA Medical Center held a baby shower to help 30 women who have served our country on Saturday, June 28th.
April 2014: C.A.T.I.F. raises $18,000 for Women Veterans, At-Risk Girls. Check out the article in the Palatine Patch.
October 2013: Kara Cermak, Kimberly Fivelson, and corporate sponsor (and C.A.T.I.F. volunteer) Michele Gherke from DuBois Paving were interviewed on Blog Talk Radio, Linked Local Network. Check out the interview, here.
September 2013: Joel Davis, from CAU Insurance, on behalf of the QBE Foundation awards $1,000 in grant monies to C.A.T.I.F. Joel visited C.A.T.I.F. on October 15, 2013 to make the formal presentation.
July 2013: Palatine Patch, Daily Herald, Chicago Tribune and One Page News press releases.
July 2013: Salon Lorrene, a premiere salon in Palatine, IL, is awarded second prize in Wella’s Hairdressers for Heart Charity Challenge. Lorrene Conino and her staff were awarded $2,500 for their work that they do in support of C.A.T.I.F. Ms. Conino donated the entire grant back to C.A.T.I.F., which will contribute to C.A.T.I.F.’s establishment of a scholarship fund for women. Give Back…Get Back! Congrats Salon Lorrene, and thank you!
November 2012: Thank you to Adam Razny, one of our amazing volunteers, and thank you to Allstate Insurance! Allstate Insurance approved an amazing donation to C.A.T.I.F. because of Adam’s efforts and recommendation!
July 2012: C.A.T.I.F. Grills for the Cause. Check out the announcement in the Palatine Patch!
June 2011: Check out the case study featured through Advertising Specialty Institute!
February 2011: C.A.T.I.F. featured in the Palatine Patch!